Mother's Day Messages for kids: From daughter to Mothers

Mother's Day Messages from daughters
Mother's Day Messages from daughters

  • To the best Mommy in the whole world! Thank you for making me look so pretty everyday?!
  • Happy Mother’s day! I love to see you sing in the kitchen. I love your smile when you talk to Grandma!
  • You are the best Mommy because you are best friends with my best friend?!
  • Mommy is the queen of our house and makes me feel like a princess always! Thank you Ma! I love you!
  • Happy Mother’s Day to the sweetest Mom in the universe! I love you when you say ‘NO!’ so sweetly with a smile?!
  • God gave me the best gift of all! My mommy! Hope she has a happy Mother’s day everyday!

My Mommy mends my doll’s dress,
She simply is awesome is what I guess,
She braids my hair with a loving touch,
I know she loves me much too much!


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