Top 10 Popular Mother's Day Card Ideas For Kids - For Preschools

Well! Isn’t it time you did something for Mommy? Shhhhh! don’t tell her what you are planning! That will spoil the surprise.  Here are some simple Mother’s Day card ideas that she will simply love. I’m sure you will find most of the Mother’s Day craft material at home itself.

  1. Drawing big flowers on a poster and sprinkling sand on them.
  2. Drawing colourful flowers on cards and sticking shells on them.
  3. Sticking shiny gift wrapping paper on big paper cups to make a pencil holder.
  4. Making book marks with card paper or gift wrapping paper.
  5. Making a book mark holder using card paper.
  6. Thumb painting on card paper.
  7. Hand painting on posters.
  8. Making photo frames and painting them with used toilet paper rolls.
  9. Painting on cards using a lady finger or celery stalks.
  10. Unique cards which have the shape of your hands. 


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